Monday, November 3, 2008

what's going ON?

It's been 2 months? What the heck? I keep thinking last week was September. Sorry, my 7 faithful blog readers. I'll try to do better....

So today is ranked in my top 10 days of 2008, despite the driving drum beats from below (I'll explain later). I absolutely love days like today. It's the fireplace, oversized slippers, sweats, hot chocolate & favorite book in hand kind of day. (finally, I've been waiting for months for these rainy days to hit Redding) You don't want to do anything, the rain makes you down to enjoy life. It reminds me of my favorite Seattle days when we had a REAL beautiful fireplace...

I love my fake fireplace now, though. It's very portable. I can take it into any room and it heats it up in like 4 hours. It also "sets the mood" if you know what I mean....
Ok, Scott Davis' driving drum beats are shaking my house right now and have been for 5 hours. Things are falling off my walls as I write. I feel like I'm in a cartoon right now, flailing around like a crazy person catching things falling off the wall. I was talking to Sarah today and she could hear the drums thru my cell phone. Crazy....I'll probably have a headache later but oh well. Such is life being married to a musician/studio engineer.
So today I was able to sit and think, which is seriously a luxury for me. I am usually thinking about my to-do list. Today I was not. I thought about Dan's message last night-so clear, so good, so God-breathed. I was imagining changing the world thru peace, thru humbleness and wondering what that world would look like. (thanks, Dan).
This elephant series that we doing right now at the Stirring is rocking me. Jeremy got this word from the Lord several weeks back for himself..."it's not about this or that, it's about Me". I think this totally describes the past couple messages on Greed, Sex, Politics, Drinking. I think we've talked about all of those and what they mean, but Nate and Dan have really gone even's not about this or that, it's about Me (God). It's about the kingdom first, it's about loving others, supporting, praying.....
Danielle and I decided to do a Beth Moore study on Daniel and so far it's been incredible-diving into the ancient history of Judah and Babylon and Daniel and Nebuchanezzar. As Dan was talking about his new word "submerting" last night I was thinking that word describes Daniel's life. He submitted to Nebuchanezzar, but led a subverted life in that kingdom. I've never been one for Bible studies, but it's been so good to read and understand and link stories and prophecies. Anyway, that's what's goin' on.

We're having dinner with Randy and Kristyn in a couple minutes. Pray for their family-for healing, for strength, for finances. I have so much faith that God is going to heal Randy of cancer. I don't know when, but I've never believed in anything more than I have that. Oh, spread the word that people can give to the family thru the "mercy fund" at the stirring-mail or online at
Thanks for listening!


sarah said...

Yay, I get to be the first to comment on your no longer MIA blog!

I love you! I love your heart! Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad we had lunch the other day...we should do it again...or at least something that doesn't involve Alyssum spilling water everywhere...haha!!!

kristyn miller said...

it's funny, randy said the same thing the other day. you said "it's not about this or that, it's about me". randy said, i don't think this is about cancer, it's about God".

we really enjoyed having you guys over last night. the dinner was so good. i think gillian said "potato delight" in her sleep...

Emily Faulknor said...

Meghan, it's about time! Yay! I love those days too and can't wait to experience some curling up with some hot tea this weekend. You are amazing and I love your heart and desire for God and doing what He is asking of you. You are so loyal. I love you!

Anna said...

I have to say that I love that portable fireplace! When we move into an apartment I'm totally getting one of those!

I think your blog is so funny because you don't write for months and then when you do write it's like a whole book! Your comments about Scott were funny, I could totally picture it and it kind of stressed me out thinking about it.

As far as Randy goes we are totally praying. I know that somehow God will use this for His glory, it's just so hard to feel that sometimes.

And yes... I DID use that 70's term "whoopi"! :P I figured someone would be offended if I said "great SEX!" I will say though it's something you have to look forward to... I won't go into details. :)

KalynRebecca said...

I love those cold rainy reading days! Thanks for blogging :)