Thursday, May 22, 2008


I love being an auntie. I spent all day Monday at Nate and Erica's house and loved every second. Kids say and do the funniest things and it makes me want to be that innocent and honest. It makes me want to have kids for selfish reasons-to listen to their opinions and laugh later with someone about what they said or did.

Erica and I picked Ava up from school and she matter-of-fact-ly informed us that she did NOT like the snack (trail mix that Erica had never seen before) packed for her lunch today. She confirmed that she had told "grammy" that she did not want that snack, "but then grammy stuffed it in anyway. uuhh." It was all we could do to not laugh hysterically. Actually I think I did laugh hysterically.

Later I set up an obstacle course for the girls to have bike races. Ava won the first one by a mile. I explained that it would be nice to give Adi a chance to win too, so the next race Ava dramatically pedaled slower than a six month old and Adi won. All fine and good until the 3rd race. Ava was just rounding the corner for the win and Adi came out of nowhere with the most determined look on her face , pedaling as hard as her skinny little legs could and pretty much did the craziest cut-off I've ever seen. She sailed past the finish line with a huge gleeful smile and Ava melted down. It was a fun day.


KalynRebecca said...

I will be there tomorrow night (just to see you, of course :-p ). And I was wondering about life group, thanks. :-) Nice to see you blogging, by the way ;-)

Erica said...

That was so fun! I was trying to tell Nate about it later and I was laughing hysterically trying to explain how Adi cut Ava off. He just didn't get it. I am glad you were there.

Anna said...

Being an auntie is a great thing because you get to enjoy all the fun with the kids but then at the end of the day you still get to go home and sleep all night. :) Kids really do say the funniest things; it always surprises me, and I'm like you, I always crack up!!!

Unknown said...

ALL good playtimes end in a least thats the case for me.

sarah said...

Will you be Alyssum's surrogate auntie???


Emily Faulknor said...

Meghan- You blogged again!!! Woohoo! I loved this story and could totally picture it unfolding before my eyes. Too funny! You are an awesome auntie and those kids are blessed to have you in their lives. :)